What are your dreams?

I want to ask you…what are your dreams?

What is the fire, the passion that burns – or once burned – deep in your heart? What do you want to accomplish?

What would your life look like if you could be, do or have anything – if you knew you could not fail?

If you can’t answer these questions right now, that’s OK. Most people can’t. I believe that’s because most people have given up on their dreams. They no longer believe they can achieve their goals and live the life they desire.

Far too often, our lives don’t turn out quite the way we envisioned they would. Early on we’re excited about the future. We envision getting married, maybe having a family, enjoying a great career, making a lot of money and living our dreams.

And then … life happens. We get knocked down – often more than once.

Perhaps the business you started wasn’t a success. Or maybe you’ve had some emotional, physical or financial setbacks. On the other hand, maybe your life is going OK but you just can’t seem to take your business or some aspect of your personal life to the next level.

The challenges of life can cause you to lose your confidence, your dreams and your hope. It’s all

too easy to become stuck in a rut and stay there for weeks, months, even years. So how can you get back to the brilliant, vibrant life God intended you to have? How can you achieve the success, happiness, health, wealth and personal fulfillment that you desire?

You must regain your passion for your dreams and goals, become a possibility thinker, and unlock the potential that lies hidden within you. And, you must be willing to change. If you want your life to change, you have to change. If you keep doing the same things, in the same way, you will get the same results, and you’ll have the same life that you have now. If that’s OK with you, no problem. If it’s not okay – if you want more for your life than what you have and where you are right now – then make a decision to change.

Wallah !! I am back

Hello Bloggers,

After 31 Posts, I was lost in share market, After my last post which was published on Feb 26, 2009, I almost forgot this blog.

I am once again back on this blog. Thanks to blogger password finder service, otherwise I would have never found the password and the email id of this blog.

I will revive this blog soon. I have figured out all the existing blogs which I have like

Planet Atul
Positive U

Planet Money
Just SMS
Twitter Quotes
Traveling Blogs
Atul Punjani
Love Quotes
Professional Quote

With lots of effort, I am trying to stay loyal with my latest website The Planet SMS I will be available on all the blogs with a promise to update them ever !